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This lesson talks about one of the most universal strategic rules in chess – principle of the least active piece.
You might have studied this principle in my past lessons, but it’s VERY important that I would highly recommend that you brush up your knowledge. Plus, it contains some really beautiful games, and 1 cool puzzle for you. Try it out! 🙂
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#GMSmirnov #ChessStrategies #ChessStrategy
I think the game needs no copy right moves. Just to avoid endless the game.
E2, G2
C1 to B1, then D3 to H7 ez
Qx d5+!!!; d6 x e5; Rd8+!!!, Ke7; Bc5 mate
To see the move bishop takes H7 and everything that follows after it how much experience and time do you need under your belt? Because I would have never seen those moves. I would’ve made the straight up exchange in the middle resulting in exchange in Queen’s
why would you not play c5 in the first one bc then you make less movement for black so he kinda have to make a mistake to not lose
Finally won a damn game. Started playing a little last night on some chess app. You can tell all these damn nerds on here spend all their time on there. Hard asf to win. Finally beat one by basically following this advice a little and just constantly being on the offensive. If I ever let up on their King they would start to win.
I love those tactics… thanks chess teacher
what if black blocks the check with the bishop instead of taking the queen with the pawn??!!??
E3 to c5, D1 to D8, C3 to C5
Queen on E5 to check the King.
Mostly i see this and then loses a next game again ))
This was a great lesson. Thanks 😊
This might work, h2 to h4, h1 to h3, h3 to f3, f3 to f7 then check mate (I think)
Freaking queens gambit got me here smh
At the end of the video: Qxe5, then if black takes, we get mate in 2 after dxe5, Rd8+ Ke7 Bc5#. If black doesn’t take, we just go up a bunch of material. The only (relatively) good move seems to be Be6, and then we just take the rook on h8, and Black doesn’t have any attacking success.
I'm trying to get back into Chess. I loved the analysis at 1:55 where the bishop was ruled the best piece to move at that time. I also enjoyed the logical results of the inactive piece suddenly becoming very active, starting at 3:22 where the bishop made some advances in the middle. What i didn't like at ALL was the sudden, unprompted deviation which resulted in the bishop and queen forcing check at 3:42. I understand that it may have been insightful to some people, but it feels to me more like the teacher getting carried away and moving on towards a discussion of why I'm worried about a pawn, when i was trying to focus on the idea of getting an inactive piece into play. It was already established that the queen is an active piece, while the bishop was not, so when the teacher simply said "do you see it?" I wasn't able to take anything I had just learned and apply it. On top of this, the teacher didn't care to establish any opportunities other than by saying Black had made a few moves which were "interesting". I'm letting the bishop play settle in my mind, hoping to see another example of an inactive piece becoming active, but he just pushed the first example into a showcase of his mastery at planning rather than focusing on the topic of the video. It was very jarring and unintuitive to someone trying to see how to set up opening moves and take advantage of the resulting positions.
Every game I play is a long game. My son of 13 years, who I taught to play, beats me two out of three games almost every day. Sometimes I win, but he is a little genius and I am just average.
The advantage I have over him is that I have been beaten every way possible for the past 50 years and he has only been playing for about 8 years. I think that my problem is that I am not aggressive enough. I am really good at setting up elaborate defenses. This video has been very good for me and has given me some ideas for what I am going to try to do to him when he gets home from school.
Qxe5 dxe5, Rd8+ Ke7, Bc5#
Do i need to learn strategy too much at lower rating below 1500 or is it enough to follow these two rules of attack and least active piece, cause strategy is more or less about piece improvement
Tbh I think I would have moved the knight to G5
The answer
ARE somone gaming this game. : penus
no no no, in your first example, the logical move is the checkmate about four or five moves ahead. give up the bishop at D3 trade for pawn H7, king takes pawn, move queen up to check the now exposed king, king moves then bring up your night from F3 to G5, whites next move is queen to H7 for the checkmate……
Sacrifice Bishop C5, Rook to D8, then queen to E5?
But in your other videos you say this is all the amateur can do and you can combat this easily with other strategies. You are confusing me
10:05 "Let's say white would do something, rook at A4…. why would white go rook to A4??
The puzzle – Queen takes e5 pawn?
I missed the pawn tactic. I would have played Nxe5 Nxe5, Qh5 Ng6, Rd1… And while the correct combination would have been nice and "winning according to the computer," getting my rook developed and keeping my bishop pair at the cost of one Schrodinger's pawn seems pretty good too.
Is what I would have said if I didn't see …Qh5 f5,! intercepting both my bishop and queen. Although, I should've still been able to slam black's queen or knight with Rd1 and keep the bishop pair at the cost of a tempo, and after f4 black's kingside would also be more exposed to my bishops sniping from the lower left-hand corner of the board, plus black's loose knight might come under fire at some point, too.
Idk man, I'm not sure if I'm just crazy.
queen sacrifice Q*e5+
Qe5+ and then dxq on e5 then rook to d8+ then king e7 then Bc5 check mate
I use medieval tactics
Like the testudo the Roman legionere use
It is both offense and defense
Thanks you For these tips i will make you proud i promise from my heart i will win the grand final and try to the best if my ability and use strategy thanks you🙏
Puzzle: Qxe5+. If dxe5 then Rd8#. If Be7 then Qxh8+, Bf8, Qe5+, Be7, Rxd6, Qa1+, Qxa1, Bxd6, Qa4+, Kf8, Bxc8, Rxc8, Qd7, Kg7, Bd4+, Be5, Bxe5+, f6, Bxf6+, Nxf6, gxf6+, Kxf6, Qd8+, Rxd8, cxd8=Q+, black literally has no pieces left to sacrifice for time. One possible continuation is Ke6, Qd5+, Kf6, Qd6+, Kg7, e5, a5, e6, a4, e7, a3, e8=Q, a2, Kb2, a1=Q+, Kxa1, Kh6, Qef8+, Kh5, Qg3, g5, Qf7+, Kh6, Qh3#.
I left out a few alternate win lines because they just win faster for us. After black has literally no pieces left I just started playing moves in my mind quickly, rather than expending more stamina trying to figure out the best defense for black and the best attack for white when he literally has a few pawns against 2 queens a rook a knight and a few pawns of our own.
For the final puzzle, was it queen to E6?
knight to g5 knight to h7 he can’t take the knight bc of bishop, good strat or nah?
I'm watching this to beat my friend at chess
Queen to 2b I hope he doesn't notice and move something else and king to d2 tower to a1 and check queen
Make the opponent choose white, open up another chess game (If you’re online) and pick white in that game. In your second game, copy the moves your opponent makes and move your pieces in the primary game like how the AI does in your secondary one. Make sure the AI’s difficulty is set to max.
you sound like gru
I'll beat Monika one day.
M trying to beat my manager!!! He thinks cook too
I'm watching this so I can beat my friend who thinks he's cool