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Cool series, KC.
In the last puzzle Rxe7 fails to Rd7 I think, black doesn't have to take.
nd5 is also winning
I was curious, so I checked out the last puzzle with an engine. Apparently black is doing well after Rxe7 Rxe7 / Rxc6+ Kxc6 and Qb6 is not possible without the rook on b7. Best is apparently Qxe7 but black is significantly better, with the extra rook more than offsetting white's pawns on a2 and b2. I also checked out the game in its entirety, with Qf5 being a recent blunder, because if you try the same line with, say, the queen on h4, Rd6 isn't forced because the black king can escape to f5. In case anybody's interested.
Tough session lol! The struggle was real!!
Well, pretty weak in tactics i must say… I've done all with almost 40 degree heat. Jobava one was little bit tougher but Rf7 was my 3-rd candidate move so no big hussle.