Chess Lesson # 52: the strategy masters live by

You are never going to look at the game of Chess the same way after this lesson! Become a more technical and strategic player with National Master Robert Ramirez. In this lesson we are going to take your game to the next level. It’s time to learn about Chess strategy. If we do this right, you will soon start experiencing what it feels like to defeat your opponent without them knowing why they lost. You will soon start experiencing what it feels like to win a game without any apparent material advantage or apparent checkmate threat.

If you have been following this Chess course, at this point you are one of two players: either you think of a knight and you think of a fork or you think of a knight and you think of a fork and also of outposts and how knights like to be in the center of the board. However, none of this is enough. Your Chess strategy needs a boost! We are going to start by analyzing one of my own games, which will allow us to get a strong foundation about Chess technique and Chess strategy. Then we will do three or four exercises taken from games of some of the best Chess players in history, which will allow you to practice and consolidate everything. Once we finish, you will know (1) how to identify an outpost, (2) how to create an outpost out of thin air when possible, (3) how to secure an outpost, (4) how to occupy an outpost and more importantly (5) what to do once you have your knight on that strategic position.

00:00 Intro
01:25 Lesson plan
03:05 Reviewing Coach Robert’s game (learning and implementing our 4-step Chess strategy
21:02 1st exercise from Smyslov’s game
28:30 2nd exercise to reinforce Chess strategy
34:08 3rd exercise from Botvinnik’s game (creating an outpost from thin air)

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You can practice and play Chess for free here (affiliate link):

My Book Recommendations:
First tactics book:
Mixed tactics book:
Advanced tactics book:
Advanced tactics book (II):
Carlsen’s book (excellent):
Kramnik’s book (excellent):
Pirc Defense book:
Endgames book:

Learn how to play Chess the right way from beginner to master level. National Master Robert Ramirez will take you up the pyramid by following a proven Chess training program he has been improving and implementing for over 10 years.

Benefits of Playing Chess:
​- Promotes brain growth
– Increases problem-solving skills
– It exercises both sides of the brain
– Raises your IQ
– Sparks your creativity
– Teaches planning and foresight
– Teaches patience and concentration
– Optimizes memory improvement
– Improves recovery from stroke or disability
– Helps treat ADHD
Chess is an intellectual battle where players are exposed to numerous mental processes such as analysis, attention to detail, synthesis, concentration, planning and foresight. Psychological factors are also present on and off the board; playing Chess stimulates our imagination and creativity. Every single move a player makes is the result of a deep analysis based on the elements presented on the battlefield.

Chess in its essence teaches us psychological, sociological and even moral values. In a Chess game, both players start with the same amount of material and time. The fact that the white pieces move first is considered to be practically irrelevant —especially because a player typically plays one game as white and one game as black. Consequently, the final result of the battle solely depends on each player. It doesn’t matter if you win by taking advantage of your opponent’s mistakes or by simply avoiding mistakes yourself. Truth is that Chess is an extremely individual sport and our defeats can only be blamed on ourselves and no one else. And this, in the end, only benefits us because we learn to be and feel responsible for our actions and never come up with excuses to justify ourselves.

We also learn that when it comes to our victories on the board, our opponent’s mistakes play a more significant role than our own skills. Let’s not forget that a Chess game without any mistakes would be a draw. This way, Chess provides us with another valuable life lesson: be humble at all times.

About National Master Robert Ramirez:

With an outstanding background as a professional Chess player and over 8 years of teaching experience, Robert Ramirez brings both his passion and his expertise to the board, helping you believe & achieve!

Robert Ramirez was introduced to the fascinating world of Chess when he was 5 years old and has participated in prestigious tournaments such as the World Open Chess Tournament and the Pan American Intercollegiate Team Championships.


  1. We finally have a strong and well organized opening course for White and one for Black. With these and the FREE beginner to master level playlist from this YouTube channel, it’s all about consistency over an extended period of time 😎💪 ⬇Course on Black Opening (Counterblow) on White Opening (First Strike) Playlist (beginner to master level) the Endgame Knowledge I have the Strategy Knowledge I have

  2. After watching your video I played my best game ever, thank you.

  3. I only watched and absorbed half of this video so far, but I was still able to come back and win a game using an outpost after sacking a knight and a queen. Thank you for all the wonderful lessons, am looking forward to learning more from them in the future 🙂

  4. I play the KIA got to be honest my eye flitted to that out post and i discounted it because the other knight could drop back and defend it , but yeah you're at the cost of a passed pawn ! will definitely end up playing this line now

  5. 24:46 how is that a fork isn't the queen is protecting that square could anyone explain me please 🙏

  6. Sir, you should stop saying that exercises are boring, it wasnt actually. It actually just made it more exciting and I am really grateful of you for bringing us this content. Thank you so much, sir! I really appreciate it…

  7. 8:50: OK; I paused the video as Rob asked me to, to count up the weak squares (squares not ever defendable by a black P, by his definition). There are 18 of them: 16 on black's first and second ranks, and d5 and d6.

  8. Mr.Ramirez is an assume coach , my game has improved and chess is so much fun now, win or lose.

  9. Very interesting, thank you, I love the way you teach 🙂

  10. I don't think you went into this, but I really like your knight route starting with d2. Originally, I had planned for the safest route my the knight first before reconsidering. Nd2 makes it very obvious that we're trying to develop the knight to its outpost square on d5. As such, black can try to stop us with moves like b5. However, we still have Rfd1 to give the knight an alternative route to e3 via Nf1. By playing Nd2, we can get to d5 sooner if black doesn't stop us via Nc4 or develop additional pieces without a loss in development if black does try to stop us. It's quite nice!

  11. He says it not exciting but for true players that are passionate about the game and want to improve to become amazing tactical and strategic players this is very exciting! You really explain yourself well thank you for your time this is the first video I found by you and you definitely have yourself a new subscriber, awesome video and I can’t wait to check out your other videos!

  12. you're the best! keep up the good work. you're helping a lot of chess peeps out there. thank you master Rob

  13. Man more tactics videos . Love your efforts. Keep going on . Best coach and yeah go aged in your career

  14. @NMRobertRamirez why do you hate the center so much in the openning

  15. I know I'm a bit late for these videos, but they are really helping me…thanks to our Coach Robert. It's the best channel for learning chess and I've already advanced a lot from the time I just started learning. Thankyou Robert for this free course💥

  16. I tried your opening against the computer multiple times and got destroyed over and over.

  17. This may be the most helpful chess video I've ever watched. Thank you.

  18. настасья филипповна says:

    hey Dear Robert. I am a follower since you started this channel and i remember I once commented in one of your early videos that this channel is pure gold I am now in a position to admit that i was right, the content is just amazing and have helped me a lot to improve my game. I just show your merch which I like a lot ! it would be nice to offer some hoodies too for cold northern winter! Thanks again for the great content!

  19. Wow, I just applied this concept along with the Pirc and soundly beat a 1900+ player (I cap out in the 1800s). Definitely going to watch more of your videos, you are a uniquely good teacher.

  20. at 14:17 you could just threaten the knight on c6 with the queen and if he blocks with the pawn you take it if he moves the knight you can take the bishop on e7 with your knight and it's a fork between the queen and the king and you win a bishop and a queen is it good or not I don't see any problem tell me if I'm wrong I'm just 750 elo 😁

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