In this class, you will learn how to checkmate using two bishops and your king (also known as two bishops mate, 2-bishop checkmate) Our method will ensure you easily understand it and also remember it whenever you need it down the road. It is not common to encounter this situation, but you must remember how to execute if you ever come across it. By now, you should know that I like to teach the basic endgames backwards. I am going to teach you the final part first so that when we go over the first steps and get here, this will look like familiar territory. Likewise, at the end, you will see me demonstrate it against a Chess engine. That way you see that what I am teaching you, actually works. And of course, you will learn how you can practice on your own.
00:00 Intro
01:12 How the two bishops checkmate king once in the corner
06:45 How the two bishops and king force opponent’s king into the corner
13:02 Coach demonstrates the 2 bishops mate vs Chess engine
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My Book Recommendations:
First tactics book:
Mixed tactics book:
Advanced tactics book:
Advanced tactics book (II):
Carlsen’s book (excellent):
Kramnik’s book (excellent):
Pirc Defense book:
Endgames book:
Learn how to play Chess the right way from beginner to master level. National Master Robert Ramirez will take you up the pyramid by following a proven Chess training program he has been improving and implementing for over 10 years.
Benefits of Playing Chess:
- Promotes brain growth
– Increases problem-solving skills
– It exercises both sides of the brain
– Raises your IQ
– Sparks your creativity
– Teaches planning and foresight
– Teaches patience and concentration
– Optimizes memory improvement
– Improves recovery from stroke or disability
– Helps treat ADHD
Chess is an intellectual battle where players are exposed to numerous mental processes such as analysis, attention to detail, synthesis, concentration, planning and foresight. Psychological factors are also present on and off the board; playing Chess stimulates our imagination and creativity. Every single move a player makes is the result of a deep analysis based on the elements presented on the battlefield.
Chess in its essence teaches us psychological, sociological and even moral values. In a Chess game, both players start with the same amount of material and time. The fact that the white pieces move first is considered to be practically irrelevant —especially because a player typically plays one game as white and one game as black. Consequently, the final result of the battle solely depends on each player. It doesn’t matter if you win by taking advantage of your opponent’s mistakes or by simply avoiding mistakes yourself. Truth is that Chess is an extremely individual sport and our defeats can only be blamed on ourselves and no one else. And this, in the end, only benefits us because we learn to be and feel responsible for our actions and never come up with excuses to justify ourselves.
We also learn that when it comes to our victories on the board, our opponent’s mistakes play a more significant role than our own skills. Let’s not forget that a Chess game without any mistakes would be a draw. This way, Chess provides us with another valuable life lesson: be humble at all times.
About National Master Robert Ramirez:
With an outstanding background as a professional Chess player and over 8 years of teaching experience, Robert Ramirez brings both his passion and his expertise to the board, helping you believe & achieve!
Robert Ramirez was introduced to the fascinating world of Chess when he was 5 years old and has participated in prestigious tournaments such as the World Open Chess Tournament and the Pan American Intercollegiate Team Championships. Thanks to his performance, he has earned his National Master title from the United States Chess Federation.
Currently, NM Ramirez and his carefully selected team teach at several private schools in the counties of Miami-Dade and Broward and they also offer private lessons. He says the key to their success as Chess coaches is their ability to adapt to every student and to make lessons fun and interesting for students and even their family members.
Very good teaching
Hi coach , yesterday I saw this video…now i am in the 15th position on two bishop checkmate….in global daily.
Thanks to you I learnt the easy way
Very good explanation and concepts. I do have a question about how you proceeded at 9:54. You mention moving the bishop that is farthest from the king to a knight's position in regard to the other bishop. Is there a reason you wouldn't move the same bishop to e5 and follow up with Bd5? Is it because you keep your king on one side of the bishops thus preventing the other king from going that way?
Tanx a lot teacher/master
Hi, at 8min 52secs, white does a waiting move Kg5. What if black goes Ke7 (instead of Kd6 as in the video)? If white responds with Kf5 (as in the video), black could respond with Kd6 which would block Bd5?
In short, what should white do if black goes Ke7 instead of Kd6?
Very informative – thank you!!!
Hi coach, can i move the white bishop in g1? Instead of f2?
I wonder why I cannot 2 two bishops and one white king it’s always a black king. With 2 white bishops!
Tbh this check mate is difficult than the others and without this lesson i would've never guessed this trick
awesome … than k you …
omg tysm i literally watched like 5 videos and couldnt get it down until i saw this one
This video is the best and most underrated by far.
Muchas gracias. Es la explicación más simple que he visto para este mate.
This is amazzzzzing!!!!! Thank you Robert 😀
At 10:33 after Bc5+, Kf7 ; Bd5+, Kg7, the opponent king comes out of the eyeline of 2 bishops and looks like he can escape…. How do you proceed on this case? I know for a fact that there is still a forced mate but it is difficult to understand, could you please help me understand it?
other chess channels dont explain this good as you or even have an easy step by step way to do it
In 4:22, what if white just played Bb7+? Would it be worse?
I actually need to watch this again because this is kind of counfusing for me
Wow, Coach! I had already mastered this checkmate but using your algorithm I was able to cut my time down my more than half and made it onto the daily leaderboard over at that chess site you use for your demonstrations. This method is really the one to use under time pressure.
this is really good!! I'm a diamond member but I don't have those checkmate tabs.
After so many two bishop checkmate videos finaly one that I learned from the most. Thank you!
Thank you for the knowledge mate! Your videos are really awesome 👍🙂 Gonna recommend definitely for anyone in need ✅
I love you, Sir.
I mean this is the most sincere way possible Bro. LOVE YOU….. This combination had me so confused for the longest time. Your steps to follow are PURE GOLD!!!!!! Thank you sooooooo very much Robert. You truly are the man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This tutorial is by far the best I've found on two-bishops checkmate. Well done, Robert!
You are great Robert
A good book for opening repertoire. Black and White
Please ?
Then you! This is the easiest way I've seen. I love the way toy work backwards. I can do it consistently in uber 20 moves and 3 minutes.. I came here after being in this situation and losing after chasing my tail for,5 minutes😱
Ok, the black king is on C8. my bishops are on C6 and D6. My king is F6. Did I screw up, or can I save it? Thanks!
Again I'm stuck. His king is on e1. My king and bishops are on d3,e3 and f3 respectively. I done see this in the video. Thanks for any help!
Wow I that helped me a lot
Thank you Coach !
Next time i am not gonna promote to a queen or a rook… 😂 its bishop pair mate time
Thank you
thank you…
I've watched 2 videos and was not able to learn it. After watching yours, I've learned it so easily. Thanks again for your lessons!!
really amazing lectures and top of that free. thanks coach
Merry christmas, coach. Thanks for yet another excellent lesson: very well explained, easy to understand and follow along.
I agree with Carlos below. This is really well explained – many thanks!
After our move bishop to C5(i.e at this video 10:33) the black king escapes by going to f7. By using the the similar moves king can escape in next moves too. Do you know the solution?
Very well explained Sir
Practice practice practice is required
Love from
I actually never thought of delivering checkmate with bishops cuz it was impossible for me 😅🤣…but thanks coach, for this amazing lesson😃