Chess lesson # 11: Checkmates in 1 move – typical patterns you must know | Chess Tactics |

Chess 4 All: It is time to start mastering the art of attacking your opponent’s king. After all, that’s how we win a Chess game. In this class, you will learn the typical 1-move checkmate patterns. If you practice enough, you will be able to detect any mate in one move that presents in your games or even better…you will be able to fabricate them.

More mate in 1 exercises at:

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My Book Recommendations:
First tactics book:
Mixed tactics book:
Advanced tactics book:
Advanced tactics book (II):
Carlsen’s book (excellent):
Kramnik’s book (excellent):
Pirc Defense book:
Endgames book:

Next lesson:

Learn how to play Chess the right way from beginner to master level. National Master Robert Ramirez will take you up the pyramid by following a proven Chess training program he has been improving and implementing for over 10 years.

Benefits of Playing Chess:
​- Promotes brain growth
– Increases problem-solving skills
– It exercises both sides of the brain
– Raises your IQ
– Sparks your creativity
– Teaches planning and foresight
– Teaches patience and concentration
– Optimizes memory improvement
– Improves recovery from stroke or disability
– Helps treat ADHD

Chess is an intellectual battle where players are exposed to numerous mental processes such as analysis, attention to detail, synthesis, concentration, planning and foresight. Psychological factors are also present on and off the board; playing Chess stimulates our imagination and creativity. Every single move a player makes is the result of a deep analysis based on the elements presented on the battle field.

Chess in its essence teaches us psychological, sociological and even moral values. In a Chess game, both players start with the same amount of material and time. The fact that the white pieces move first is considered to be practically irrelevant —especially because a player typically plays one game as white and one game as black. Consequently, the final result of the battle solely depends on each player. It doesn’t matter if you win by taking advantage of your opponent’s mistakes or by simply avoiding mistakes yourself. Truth is that Chess is an extremely individual sport and our defeats can only be blamed on ourselves and no one else. And this, in the end, only benefits us because we learn to be and feel responsible for our actions and never come up with excuses to justify ourselves.

We also learn that when it comes to our victories on the board, our opponent’s mistakes play a more significant role than our own skills. Let’s not forget that a Chess game without any mistakes would be a draw. This way, Chess provides us with another valuable life lesson: be humble at all times.

About National Master Robert Ramirez:

With an outstanding background as a professional Chess player and over 8 years of teaching experience, Robert Ramirez brings both his passion and his expertise to the board, helping you believe & achieve!

Robert Ramirez was introduced to the fascinating world of Chess when he was 5 years old and has participated in prestigious tournaments such as the World Open Chess Tournament and the Pan American Intercollegiate Team Championships. Thanks to his performance, he has earned his National Master title from the United States Chess Federation.

Currently, NM Ramirez and his carefully selected team teach at several private schools in the counties of Miami-Dade and Broward and they also offers private lessons. He says the key to their success as Chess coaches is their ability to adapt to every student and to make lessons fun and interesting for students and even their family members.


  1. In the first example I think the BLACK king was already in check.

  2. i am posting a comment for the first time in my life💥 because this video just made me do it🤌…. this guy is literally a legend i really appreciate that he is giving such a valuable course for free… 👏👏lots n lots of respect from india💫

  3. Awesome series. Been casually playing on and off for years and plateaued around 1200. Excited to move up!

  4. Rook to G7 would have checkmate as well no? or am I missing something?

  5. @ 13:47 , I had d6 takes f6. Isn't that also Checkmate? Oder am I missing something?

  6. I just won a game by checkmate using the back rank checkmate technique then I came to learn some more checkmate techniques xd

  7. You are too good.. thank you for uploading such an amazing teaching for us beginners . keep it up.

  8. 5:33

    Why Isn't it a stalemate before moving the knight?

    It is because the king cannot move anywhere but it is not attacked…

  9. We finally have a strong and well organized opening course for White and one for Black. With these and the FREE beginner to master level playlist from this YouTube channel, it’s all about consistency over an extended period of time 😎💪 ⬇Course on Black Opening (Counterblow) on White Opening (First Strike) Playlist (beginner to master level) the Endgame Knowledge I have the Strategy Knowledge I have

  10. My grandchildren are in chess club and love it. All I knew was how each piece moved. I’m up to chapter 11 and so much more makes sense. Thank you for the incredible lessons and calm interesting way you present them. What a gift you have given to all of us who are interested. All that work and for free!!!!! I appreciate your love of this game which you have passed on to many others including myself. As I grow older I will still have a way to be able to entertain the kids. THANK YOU.

  11. @NMRobertRamirez In the first exercise I did rook g6 and it worked in my mind can you tell me why it doesn't work here?
    And also in the second one i did queen e8

  12. You are a good and well trained teacher Robert .🌷🙏👌

  13. Been loving watching and learning from your videos. Thanks.

  14. This was fun and very helpful. Thanks for the great lesson.

  15. this is the first time I reached this level in understanding Chess, Thank you

  16. I have a question, I am doing your Czeck pirc but I am I get crushed on the pawn push on the king side. How can one stop this. Help

  17. Very good material, I started to play again a few months ago and decided to come to the very basic because the way you explain this is awesome!

  18. I caught your recent interview with Ben Johnson on the Perpetual Chess Podcast. I have seen your videos on YouTube, but never investigated your channel. So I decided to check it out, and from what I've seen so far, I really enjoy it! As an adult who has been trying to improve my chess, your channel is an answer to my prayers! I really enjoy how you walk through everything step by step, in a way that an old man like me can understand. We 3 kids the time and money for a coach just isn't in the cards right now. And your course is just what I'm looking for! Keep it up!!

  19. Should i make notes to revise and practice different gambits and tactics and mastering as many as i could?

  20. Thank you so much for the series coach. Really helpful 🙂

  21. I did really 🎉nk youuuuuuuu❤❤❤😂

  22. I guessed all but the second last took time. Take my words, sir is the best instructor you will find. Just like that special Kohinoor Diamond. Thank you sir for giving these lessons for free.

  23. Lesson 10. Thank you so much for simplify chess for me.

  24. Hi , your videos are interesting thanks… Just have a question I noticed the white king is in check by the pawn you should not be able to move your Tower? Unless I am confused 🤔

  25. i have been faced lots of challenge but finally found you .thank you for help .

  26. Too good exercises. I think my are skill improved. Thanks for free lessons ❤❤

  27. Thanks dude you taught how to play like a pro

  28. at 14:08 you forgot to mention pawn at g2 helping to protect the knight on f3 otherwise king could capture knight while running away

  29. I cant tell how immensely helpful ur videos have helped me.

    I was an intermediate level but i decided start from lesson one and i tell u. Really helpful.

  30. I am sorry but there is something bothering me. In the last position he talked about there was a knight that can kill the bishop which makes this situation NOT a checkmate. If anyone can explain to me or agree with me cause this is driving me crazy 🤔😬

  31. Thanks for putting in the effort 🙏 very good exercise

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